Friday, July 8, 2011

Hillsong Days 3-4... and Ciao, Australia! :(

It has finally come... the time to leave Australia and fly home to the good ol' US of A. It's a bittersweet moment - I'm excited to go home, relax, and see my friends and family. But simply put, I love Australia and I love what the Lord has done here. Over the past two days, I have worshiped in ways that I never have before. I have felt the presence of God in ways that I cannot explain. I have heard the Scriptures spoken about in ways I have never thought about before. God has been good, and He will continue to be good. I fly home tomorrow, making July 9, 2011 officially the longest day of my life. I leave and arrive home on the same day, but it takes me 25 actual hours to travel 11 hours forward time. Trippy, eh? No worries, though, mate - I'll make it all right. I'll blog more when I'm less exhausted and post a few more pictures from the wonderful awesomeness that is Australia. Love you all!

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