Friday, July 1, 2011

Australia... you get me every time.

So, it's Friday night. How do I begin to tell you what has happened in the past few days? I'll start with an overview of events... and then I have to tell you what God has been doing. As usual, it's incredible.

Our only concert on Thursday was for the seniors at St. Jude's (the church that we are ministering through this week). Although we did our slow set of songs, the women I was able to talk to afterwards were some of the most energetic and spunky elderly people I have ever met. I met a woman named Gwen who fell of the stage last time the OneVoice group visited Australia; I'll have to see if I can find someone who remembers that! Other than the concert in the afternoon, we didn't do TOO much. We ate lunch at Pie In The Sky - a restaurant off by itself in the middle of the mountains that sells nothing but all different kinds of meat pies and delicious wedges with sour cream and sweet chili sauce. Deliciously Australian. Speaking of delicious, our only other activity that day was a potluck dinner at the Guthrie's. We spent the evening hanging out, talking, eating, and looking at pictures of Africa in a giant photography book. Debby had even bought a birthday cake for Taylor, who turns 20 tomorrow. Happy birthday Swayze!

Today was a free day, except for our concert with St. Jude's youth group this evening. We arrived at the church in the morning, set up our equipment, and left for Koorong - the largest Christian bookstore in Australia. I can't tell you what happened there - at least not yet - but let me tell you that God is doing INCREDIBLE things. And we all stocked up on a few good books made sweeter by a 15% discount. Once we left the bookstore, we went to Bondi beach - the famous beach written across the front of every sweatshirt in the tourist shops. Unfortunately the weather was gloomy, by instead we perused through different shops located next to the beach and stopped for coffee (of course). From there, we drove an hour across Sydney to Hillsong church to visit their bookstore and just explore the church a little. While we were there, the band (Joel Houston; you know him? The Hillsong worship leader on all the CDs? That guy) came out and saw some of our group. Apparently the conversation went something like this, "Are you the singers from Cedarville??? We're so excited to meet you!! You all are singing at the conference, right?" Justin's reponse: "Uh... well... we can? Maybe?" So who knows if that will happen; if not, they have told us that we will at least be able to meet the artists and sing on stage with the choir. Am I kidding? Nope. So we'll see what happens; it's all up in the air right now. But really... LOOK AT GOD.

To top off all the wonderful things that continue to happen, Justin told us that the DJ of Club Central, the nightclub/casino where we performed the other night, plans on coming to church. His exact words were, "If that's what church is like, I want to find out what it's about!" And I repeat... LOOK AT GOD!!! He is able to do great and mighty things that we do not know, that we do not ask for, and that we do not even imagine. Let that be an encouragement to you; God is ABLE.

Oh, and I can't sign off without telling your about our one casualty that happened today... the youth concert was pretty hyped tonight. We sang for about 45 minutes, then ate snacks and played a game, and then sang another set. But during our fourth or fifth song, Darris got a little too excited and swung his arm backwards... straight into Jon's hand holding his microphone... which when straight to his mouth... and chipped one of his teeth. Thankfully it's on the bottom, so it's not noticeable when he smiles, but he's still in a little bit of pain. It was one of those things that's funny initially - until you realize what actually happened. I'm sure we'll laugh about it again later.

That's all for now... it's 12:30 am. Time to sleep!

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