Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hillsong Conference: Day 1

Today, as you can tell from the title and the countless other times I’ve mentioned it, marked the first day of the Hillsong conference. Charmaine, Allie, Debby, and I walked down to the Entertainment Centre this morning at 10AM to pick up our registration wristbands from Justin. Twenty minutes later, Justin arrived. We waited over an hour at a table outside Macca’s while Justin and Jordan waited in line, but finally we got our wristbands and ate lunch at a Chinese place in the Market City food court.
After a Coles run and a relaxing nap and coffee back at the hotel, we walked back to the conference. Our buddy from when we sang at Hillsong church, Alex, hooked us up with sweet seats near the front. We didn’t even have to wait until the doors officially opened. It pays to have connections! The opening rally itself was phenomenal, as expected. Joel Houston and Darlene Zschech led worship that sounded just like a Hillsong CD cranked up about five thousand times regular volume. 

John Maxwell, a former pastor in the U.S. preached a powerful message on leadership taken from Paul and his letters to the Corinthians. John Maxwell’s first point: Your identity comes from Christ, not from the people you are leading. If I concern myself with acceptance or approval, my motivations are wrong. All that matters is that I honor Jesus Christ and His purpose. Maxwell’s second point: Godly leadership uses God’s perspective – you see more, and you see it first. Lead yourself before you try to lead others; if you wouldn’t follow you, why should others? I learned that leadership is work, and it is hard. It is a constant pouring of yourself into others in order to better them, not yourself.

After an invitation and the chorus of Forever Reign, the rally was over; but there was still more to come. Jesus Culture gave a late-night worship concert open to the public. Between Kim Walker’s ad libs and the sheer masses of believers all raising their hands to glorify the King, the experience was literally heavenly. Justin has mentioned on several occasions that none of us here in Australia are here by accident; God has a specific reason for me to be here. Until now, I didn’t know what it was. I’m sure I still don’t know everything. But Kim said something, something that I repeated in praise but then was struck by my statement: I am here to know you more. My purpose is to know Him more. The reason that I am in Australia is to get to know Jesus more. The final song, Show Me Your Glory, hit me hard. I have always struggled with pride, but this song (along with the message) broke down walls. God is so holy, so holy. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God! Compared to the holy glory of Jesus Christ, I am nothing. Literally invisible.

And after a late dinner stop at Hungry Jack’s, it’s back to the hotel and ready for day two early tomorrow. See you then!

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