Sunday, July 31, 2011

Australia Reflections: Passion

Hello everyone. As the dates suggest, I've been home from Australia for three weeks now. In seventeen short days, summer will come to a close and life at Cedarville will resume. I've been spending most of my time reading all seven Harry Potter books and sorting through countless stacks of clothes. I've had a lot of time to think about Australia - what I learned, what I miss, and how the trip changed me.

The one word that sums up my experience with OneVoice Australia 2011? Passion. To quote Kim Walker of Jesus Culture:

I’m alive to bring glory to You, King
God of victory, You are my passion
It’s in the way You are, You don’t change at all
Great and humble God, You are my passion

My strength in life is I am Yours
My soul delights because I am Yours

Your will on earth is all I’m living for

Jesus, I glorify; Jesus, my love is Yours
You are my heart’s desire; I live to know You more

Passion - for the Lord God, in the name of Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit - consumed this trip. Passion gave each team member the faith that provided $3000 to fund the trip. Passion provided patience on long bus rides and longer flights. Passion gave us energy when we had three concerts in a single day after sleeping only a few hours the night before. Passion provided the love shared among team members, and the joy expressed through dance and raised hands. Passion is the reason that a smile spreads across my face every time I look at pictures of those precious memories. Passion is the reason that I have the urge to raise my hands and sing at the top of my lungs when I hear a song that we sang. And passion is the reason that I will seek the opportunity to do it all over again. 

Mark 12:28-29, The Message: The religious scholar put in his question, "Which is most important of all the commandments?" Jesus said, "Love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy."

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