Sunday, July 31, 2011

Australia Reflections: Passion

Hello everyone. As the dates suggest, I've been home from Australia for three weeks now. In seventeen short days, summer will come to a close and life at Cedarville will resume. I've been spending most of my time reading all seven Harry Potter books and sorting through countless stacks of clothes. I've had a lot of time to think about Australia - what I learned, what I miss, and how the trip changed me.

The one word that sums up my experience with OneVoice Australia 2011? Passion. To quote Kim Walker of Jesus Culture:

I’m alive to bring glory to You, King
God of victory, You are my passion
It’s in the way You are, You don’t change at all
Great and humble God, You are my passion

My strength in life is I am Yours
My soul delights because I am Yours

Your will on earth is all I’m living for

Jesus, I glorify; Jesus, my love is Yours
You are my heart’s desire; I live to know You more

Passion - for the Lord God, in the name of Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit - consumed this trip. Passion gave each team member the faith that provided $3000 to fund the trip. Passion provided patience on long bus rides and longer flights. Passion gave us energy when we had three concerts in a single day after sleeping only a few hours the night before. Passion provided the love shared among team members, and the joy expressed through dance and raised hands. Passion is the reason that a smile spreads across my face every time I look at pictures of those precious memories. Passion is the reason that I have the urge to raise my hands and sing at the top of my lungs when I hear a song that we sang. And passion is the reason that I will seek the opportunity to do it all over again. 

Mark 12:28-29, The Message: The religious scholar put in his question, "Which is most important of all the commandments?" Jesus said, "Love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy."

Friday, July 8, 2011

Hillsong Days 3-4... and Ciao, Australia! :(

It has finally come... the time to leave Australia and fly home to the good ol' US of A. It's a bittersweet moment - I'm excited to go home, relax, and see my friends and family. But simply put, I love Australia and I love what the Lord has done here. Over the past two days, I have worshiped in ways that I never have before. I have felt the presence of God in ways that I cannot explain. I have heard the Scriptures spoken about in ways I have never thought about before. God has been good, and He will continue to be good. I fly home tomorrow, making July 9, 2011 officially the longest day of my life. I leave and arrive home on the same day, but it takes me 25 actual hours to travel 11 hours forward time. Trippy, eh? No worries, though, mate - I'll make it all right. I'll blog more when I'm less exhausted and post a few more pictures from the wonderful awesomeness that is Australia. Love you all!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hillsong Conference: Day 2

Interesting. Today, according to some moments, was a terrible day. But other moments were wonderful.. Basically, it was conference ALL day long - we walked to the conference center at 8 this morning for the morning session. Priscilla Shirer spoke passionately about truly feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit. How Jesus Christ is all that anyone needs at any time. How ministry is simply pointing others to Jesus and nothing more. She consecutively named every book of the Bible in order paired with a phrase describing the identity and role of God in that particular book. Her message was phenomenal, totally and completely from the Lord.

Fact: Everyone who works at Hillsong thinks we're more important than we actually are. Our phrase of the day? "Uhmm, choir." As long as we clarify that we're with the choir, we can do whatever we want. So far, we have been allowed into sessions early to save seats and received VIP passes to the JAM (youth) session at Luna Park this afternoon. We took a bus to Luna Park and wandered around for a little while before setting in the picnic area to read our books. The session itself was in the "Big Top" and was one of the most lively youth rallies I have ever witnessed. The speaker, Jentezen Franklin, used the story of David's army fighting Absalom to tell Christians to stay out of the woods. The passage says that more of Absalom's men died from the woods than the sword; just choosing the wrong environment killed them. Franklin stretched the metaphor to Absalom himself, who found himself swinging from an oak tree caught by his hair, helpless as Joab tortured him before he finally was put to death. Jesus also died hanging on a tree - He did so that we might not have to. 

Remember how I said that everyone working at Hillsong thinks we're more important than we actually are? And remember how I said that some parts of today weren't so great? Well, here's what I mean. We were standing in crowds literally all afternoon. Before the morning session, on the way to Luna Park, at Luna Park, while leaving Luna Park, etc. Our feet were sore, our backs were achy. But in the midst of this, we sang with the Hillsong choir on the stage behind Darlene Zschech and Israel Houghton at the session tonight. Yeah. I know. SO cool. The downside of that was missing most of the session because we were being escorted around (still standing, still in a crowd). On the up side again, we got volunteer t-shirts (even though we're not really volunteers) and VIP badges that pretty much let us go anywhere we want (how and why do we have those? no idea, but we'll take it!). But on the downside, today was such a weird and hectic day that I didn't eat until after the session tonight, making a total of 13 hours with no food for Michelle. Oh well; Allie and Charmaine and I stopped at Subway on the way back from the session (and after watching a bit of rugby on the big screen in the conference center). All in all, it's been a fun day. It hasn't really been an experience I would like to repeat any time soon, but it's cool to say that I sang on stage at the Hillsong conference. They asked us if we wanted to come sing again tomorrow morning... but sound check is at 6:45. That's probably not going to happen. :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hillsong Conference: Day 1

Today, as you can tell from the title and the countless other times I’ve mentioned it, marked the first day of the Hillsong conference. Charmaine, Allie, Debby, and I walked down to the Entertainment Centre this morning at 10AM to pick up our registration wristbands from Justin. Twenty minutes later, Justin arrived. We waited over an hour at a table outside Macca’s while Justin and Jordan waited in line, but finally we got our wristbands and ate lunch at a Chinese place in the Market City food court.
After a Coles run and a relaxing nap and coffee back at the hotel, we walked back to the conference. Our buddy from when we sang at Hillsong church, Alex, hooked us up with sweet seats near the front. We didn’t even have to wait until the doors officially opened. It pays to have connections! The opening rally itself was phenomenal, as expected. Joel Houston and Darlene Zschech led worship that sounded just like a Hillsong CD cranked up about five thousand times regular volume. 

John Maxwell, a former pastor in the U.S. preached a powerful message on leadership taken from Paul and his letters to the Corinthians. John Maxwell’s first point: Your identity comes from Christ, not from the people you are leading. If I concern myself with acceptance or approval, my motivations are wrong. All that matters is that I honor Jesus Christ and His purpose. Maxwell’s second point: Godly leadership uses God’s perspective – you see more, and you see it first. Lead yourself before you try to lead others; if you wouldn’t follow you, why should others? I learned that leadership is work, and it is hard. It is a constant pouring of yourself into others in order to better them, not yourself.

After an invitation and the chorus of Forever Reign, the rally was over; but there was still more to come. Jesus Culture gave a late-night worship concert open to the public. Between Kim Walker’s ad libs and the sheer masses of believers all raising their hands to glorify the King, the experience was literally heavenly. Justin has mentioned on several occasions that none of us here in Australia are here by accident; God has a specific reason for me to be here. Until now, I didn’t know what it was. I’m sure I still don’t know everything. But Kim said something, something that I repeated in praise but then was struck by my statement: I am here to know you more. My purpose is to know Him more. The reason that I am in Australia is to get to know Jesus more. The final song, Show Me Your Glory, hit me hard. I have always struggled with pride, but this song (along with the message) broke down walls. God is so holy, so holy. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God! Compared to the holy glory of Jesus Christ, I am nothing. Literally invisible.

And after a late dinner stop at Hungry Jack’s, it’s back to the hotel and ready for day two early tomorrow. See you then!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Vacation Down Under!

Today was the bittersweet day where we had to say goodbye to our wonderful host families and hello to the Marriott. We feel like real adults, out on our own with all of Sydney at our beck and call. Well, not really, because the Hillsong conference will take up almost all of our time over the next few days. But today was basically a free day.

Debby, more than almost anyone, knows how to work employees and walk out with the best deal possible. We were able to check into our rooms hours before actual check-in time, get free wi-fi for all of our computers, and even ended up in three rooms instead of two. Around noon, I went out with Allie, Lisa, and Brittany to find some food and explore the area immediately surrounding our hotel. We're located right next to Hyde Park, giving us an area to come outside and read and relax. Today, though, we walked downtown a few blocks to a mall with a Coles, where we stocked up on muffins for breakfast and some other munchies. On the walk back, we stopped at a place that sold delicious chicken and chips. There was actually some sort of fire across the street, so we spent most of our lunch watching the firemen drag hoses across the busy street. 

After arriving back at the hotel and taking a quick nap, Aaron and I left for the Opera House. We had tickets to see Flinders String Quartet with Karin Schaupp, guest guitarist. It was easier than we thought it would be to get there; the harbour is just two train stops away. We picked up our tickets and then walked around for a bit to find some dinner. We decided to go the safe and cheap route and go to Maccas, but instead of eating inside, we found a spot by the water. Just a side note - it is incredibly beautiful there at night. Then, we were off to the opera house. Rather than the main concert hall, our performance was in the Utzon Room; it was much smaller than we expected and had no assigned seats. The room was amazing though, with windows behind the stage overlooking the water and the ceiling was the raw curved stone of the building. And then the quartet. Oh my GOODNESS. Words cannot express how beautiful that music was, so I won't even begin to try. But I can tell you the chocolate gelato we ate afterwards was beyond delicious, and that the cute little animal we saw in Hyde Park on our way back was absolutely adorable. We googled it; it was a brush tail possum. We were hoping for a more exciting name, but that'll have to do.

Anyway, today has been a long but wonderful day. It's the first July 4 in a long time that I haven't watched fireworks or eaten hamburgers, but I'll gladly swap for a fantastic cellist and a bowl full of gelato. Happy Independence Day, America. I'll see you again in five days!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Great and Mighty

So, the OneVoice Australia mission trip is officially over. You would think that we all fly home in the morning, but actually... most of us still have another five days! That's right - we're staying for the 25th annual Hillsong conference. We could NOT be more exciting. Being evangelical Christians from the USA between the ages or 15 and 30, we are naturally Hillsong fanatics. Don't worry, we're only freaking out a little bit.

Let's just focus on today - our last day of official ministry, and also the day that we said goodbye to six of our team members who fly out tomorrow morning. It has been one of our longest days yet, beginning with a traditional Anglican service in a stone church building about the size of my living room. Although reading prayers from a book, going forward to take Communion, and singing all six verses of a hymn I had never heard before are not experiences readily familiar to me, I truly appreciate the diversity in worship styles found among God's people. One of the major lessons God has taught me on this trip is that He is not only the God of conservative evangelical churches in America. Jesus Christ transcends ethnicity, denominational divisions, music preferences, age, and geographical location. His church is all part of one family, no questions asked, and I have loved worshiping with other believers despite initial differences.

Our next gig was at the same church - St. Jude's - but in their larger Sunday service. A little less traditional Anglican, but still different from what most of us are used to. After morning tea and chatting with church members, I headed back to our host home with Lisa and Ali where we relaxed for a little while, packed our suitcases, and sat down outdoors to a beautiful Sunday lunch of grilled chicken and onions, rolls, charred potatoes, and salad with red peppers and avocado. Then it was time for our final performance - a full length concert at St. Jude's open to the church and the nearby community. The place was packed, and it was (in my opinion) one of our best concerts. 

But the best part was after the concert. While we wrapped cords and packed speakers and microphones into the trailer one last time, we were able to talk to even more of the guests at the concert. Many of the friends we made the previous week in Sydney attended, and we have also gotten to know many St. Jude members fairly well. And (surprise) they served us afternoon tea as well. Then, our team of nineteen gathered together in a room made for ten for a final powwow. We have been sharing our testimonies over the past few months during our meetings, and the last four people gave their today. I won't give you all the details that were spoken, but have you ever had a moment where you just can't stay silent about what God has done? Join OneVoice, and you will find it a common sight. Because God has been good!!! Because of Jesus' sacrifice, God does not see our ugliness and sin when He looks at us; He sees the perfect, holy, and broken Jesus instead. Hallelujah! We ended our meeting by singing Great And Mighty, the song that broke everyone down in rehearsal before we even left the country. Now, nearly a month later, it means so much more. Even some of the guys worshiped with misty eyes. We presented Justin with a thank-you gift: An illustrated history to gospel music that Debby found at Koorong, which we all signed year-book style in the front pages. After teary goodbyes and a million and one hugs for the people leaving tomorrow, we departed for the last time to our host homes.

Tonight, Allie and Lisa and I watched Father of the Bride 2 with our family and ate chicken burritos in front of the television. They are truly a remarkable family, and I'm going to miss them. Tomorrow we go to our hotel... we'll see what happens from there!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Final Countdown

I have sad news – tomorrow is our last day of concerts, and nearly half of our group flies home on Monday. Seriously, I can’t believe the trip is almost over already! Time is flying by in one of those weird paradoxical moments where it feels like you’ve been here a week, yet more has happened in the past month than the six months before. This morning, we sang at a Seventh Day Adventist church. I didn’t know very much about their beliefs beforehand, and for some reason I was expecting a quiet service with women in long skirts. I could not have been more wrong. Israel Houghton was playing over the speakers when we walked in the door, and the people in the congregation were energetic and extremely personable. Although the church itself was fairly small, the room was completely filled and the atmosphere felt just like that of a family.

After the service, we had a few hours to relax back at our host homes. Allie, Lisa, and I poured ourselves cups of French press or tea, and curled up on the couch immersed in our books. I just started reading The Shack, upon the recommendations of several friends, and am enjoying it so far. Our host family also taught us how to make Lamingtons, a dessert made of yellow cake coated in chocolate and coconut. Allie and I each ate three – no need for them to go to waste, of course.

Tonight, we went to a barbecue and bonfire at Kenthurst – a branch of St. Jude’s Anglican church. After chowing down on the traditional Aussie version of a hot-dog (a sausage on a slice of bread with butter, grilled onions, and barbecue sauce) and a cup of coffee, our so-called “impromptu and relaxed” performance turned into a full forty minute concert. Then there was a bonfire – the biggest bonfire I’ve ever stood around. The heat was intense, and the skewers handed out to roast marshmallows were quickly replaced with tree branches taller than me. That takes us back to the house, where I’m currently sitting on my bed – well, my mattress on the floor. Pray for energy tomorrow – OneVoice Australia 2011 is going out with a bang.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Australia... you get me every time.

So, it's Friday night. How do I begin to tell you what has happened in the past few days? I'll start with an overview of events... and then I have to tell you what God has been doing. As usual, it's incredible.

Our only concert on Thursday was for the seniors at St. Jude's (the church that we are ministering through this week). Although we did our slow set of songs, the women I was able to talk to afterwards were some of the most energetic and spunky elderly people I have ever met. I met a woman named Gwen who fell of the stage last time the OneVoice group visited Australia; I'll have to see if I can find someone who remembers that! Other than the concert in the afternoon, we didn't do TOO much. We ate lunch at Pie In The Sky - a restaurant off by itself in the middle of the mountains that sells nothing but all different kinds of meat pies and delicious wedges with sour cream and sweet chili sauce. Deliciously Australian. Speaking of delicious, our only other activity that day was a potluck dinner at the Guthrie's. We spent the evening hanging out, talking, eating, and looking at pictures of Africa in a giant photography book. Debby had even bought a birthday cake for Taylor, who turns 20 tomorrow. Happy birthday Swayze!

Today was a free day, except for our concert with St. Jude's youth group this evening. We arrived at the church in the morning, set up our equipment, and left for Koorong - the largest Christian bookstore in Australia. I can't tell you what happened there - at least not yet - but let me tell you that God is doing INCREDIBLE things. And we all stocked up on a few good books made sweeter by a 15% discount. Once we left the bookstore, we went to Bondi beach - the famous beach written across the front of every sweatshirt in the tourist shops. Unfortunately the weather was gloomy, by instead we perused through different shops located next to the beach and stopped for coffee (of course). From there, we drove an hour across Sydney to Hillsong church to visit their bookstore and just explore the church a little. While we were there, the band (Joel Houston; you know him? The Hillsong worship leader on all the CDs? That guy) came out and saw some of our group. Apparently the conversation went something like this, "Are you the singers from Cedarville??? We're so excited to meet you!! You all are singing at the conference, right?" Justin's reponse: "Uh... well... we can? Maybe?" So who knows if that will happen; if not, they have told us that we will at least be able to meet the artists and sing on stage with the choir. Am I kidding? Nope. So we'll see what happens; it's all up in the air right now. But really... LOOK AT GOD.

To top off all the wonderful things that continue to happen, Justin told us that the DJ of Club Central, the nightclub/casino where we performed the other night, plans on coming to church. His exact words were, "If that's what church is like, I want to find out what it's about!" And I repeat... LOOK AT GOD!!! He is able to do great and mighty things that we do not know, that we do not ask for, and that we do not even imagine. Let that be an encouragement to you; God is ABLE.

Oh, and I can't sign off without telling your about our one casualty that happened today... the youth concert was pretty hyped tonight. We sang for about 45 minutes, then ate snacks and played a game, and then sang another set. But during our fourth or fifth song, Darris got a little too excited and swung his arm backwards... straight into Jon's hand holding his microphone... which when straight to his mouth... and chipped one of his teeth. Thankfully it's on the bottom, so it's not noticeable when he smiles, but he's still in a little bit of pain. It was one of those things that's funny initially - until you realize what actually happened. I'm sure we'll laugh about it again later.

That's all for now... it's 12:30 am. Time to sleep!