Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Why Beautiful Things?

Beautiful things. If you attend Cedarville, you may have smiled after reading this title. Beautiful Things references the song with the same title by Michael Gungor. If you have never heard it, take a second and hop on over to Youtube. The song talks about how in very beginning, God created only beautiful things. He created a garden overflowing with beautiful flowers, vines, and fruit trees. He created beautifully patterned animals - cheetahs and zebras with velvety fur, peacocks and parrots with brilliantly colored feathers, beetles and butterflies so small that only the closest of observers can appreciate. Best of all, God created mankind in His own image. He formed us from the dust and breathed life into our bodies (Gen. 2:7). But in the abomination of sin, the greatest tragedy the world has ever and will ever experience, the pure beauty of God's creation was corrupted. Pain, death, and destruction seeped over every inch of the earth in an attempt to blot out all good, and extended even to the deepest depths of the human soul. But death forgot that the love of God is able to conquer even the most powerful darkness. God sent redemption through the death and resurrection of His son, Jesus Christ, and restores beauty to the broken. He transforms us back into beautiful things, back to fellowship with Himself. What once was lost is now found; what once was dirty is now clean; what once was broken is made new. It is made beautiful.

I never anticipated creating my own blog. I enjoy preserving memories, but usually prefer to do so by photographing every possible moment of my life. The day will never come that I will not enjoy flipping (or clicking) through a photo album and treasuring each precious memory. I also journal. Keeping a journal is easy, because it is for me. Writing in a journal frees me from censoring information that I do not wish everyone to know. Grammatical mistakes, creative word choice, and spelling are irrelavent irrelevant. However, I have recently realized that the truth the God chooses to reveal to me should not fall only on my ears. My memories and experiences should not bring joy only to my heart. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I recognize that every human being was made in the image of God and that every believer in Christ is my brother or sister. We are a family - a compilation of men and women with different stories who must laugh together, cry together, and stand up together. 

Do I have a plan for my writings? No. Neither do I expect you to remember or even read every word on this page. But if something interesting happens, you'll hear about it. If I'm confused about something or bored beyond belief, you'll probably hear about that too. Above all, I pray that the Lord uses something I post here to help someone, somewhere. Maybe even two someones. Soli deo gloria.

P.S. In case you were wondering, this is my wonderful sister who inspired me to make this blog. Go check hers out; it's pretty spectacular. http://rachaelgittings.blogspot.com/ Interns forever! ;) <3

Update: Most of my posts now will be about Australia!! Yay!! But I will continue to post other things... whatever is on my heart :) Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Michelle!!
    Glad to see you've entered the blogosphere! :)
    I hope that your summer goes really well,
    and I'm glad that you FINALLY got that Bonhoeffer Essay!

    Your friend,
