Monday, October 1, 2012

OneVoice, OneVoice, OneVoice!

What did I do this weekend? 

This weekend, I spent thirty hours rehearsing/shopping/eating/performing with the Cedarville University OneVoice Gospel Choir Ensemble and Band (#oveab, or simply stated, ensemble). OneVoice has been a part of my Cedarville experience since sophomore year, and has taken me to Nashville, D.C., Cleveland, and even across the globe to Australia. Every event brings new experiences, new exposures, new joys, and new struggles. The past three days encompassed the 2013 OneVoice Ensemble "Retreat," basically meaning that our lives belong to Justin (our director) for the extent of that time. Over half of the members of the ensemble and band members are new to the group, which means that we have a lot of music to teach and lot of lessons to learn.

I am SO EXCITED about this year! Here are some of the lessons learned this weekend:

1. We never check to make sure the entire group is present before departing for our next destination. If you want to save yourself from panic and/or embarrassment, be on time to meeting spots. Otherwise, you will be left behind.

2. Preachers can be unpredictable. Don't panic if they mention ******* or ******* during their sermon. Just go with the flow. Be #openminded.

3. We will never, EVER play the set list through exactly as planned. Ever. We will also frequently play songs that we have never rehearsed. Again, don't panic. Go with the flow.

4. If Justin calls you out to sing a solo during a song you've only heard a few times, it might not be pretty - especially if you only have five seconds notice. But that doesn't really matter, because it happens to everyone.

5. Plum and lavender DO NOT count as purple, despite their prominent positions on either end of the purple portion of the color palette. (Are you proud of my prominent placement of purple-y alliteration?) But if you decide to wear plum or lavender to a concert, chances are no one will care.

6. Fast food becomes not-so-fast food when twenty-six people all order food on the same bill.  Be patient, don't grab what's not yours, and please don't crowd the counter if thirteen people are already standing there. Be extra kind and gracious to the nice people working at McDonald's - we stress them out enough as it is. 

7. Get LOTS of rest before OneVoice concerts, especially weekends out. Because once you're there, you will expend approximately 5.2 times more calories than you would on a normal day. And you will not sleep.

Despite (and partly because of) all these things, I love OneVoice!!! I love the freeing atmosphere that appears every time the music beings to fill the room. I love laughing with and learning from one another.  The group dynamic is different every year, because every person brings their own unique twist. Basically, I'm super pumped to see where we go from here. God is going to do great things!!! We just have to show up and serve.

Last year's touring group! I miss these guys :)

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