Friday, September 16, 2011


In less than nine hours, I will be homeless in the city for the weekend. No money, no car; just me, a backpack with a blanket and some snacks, and my classmates – maybe. I don’t know what to expect from Poverty Weekend, a period of 48 hours living in a homeless person’s shoes. Many students have gone before me, but Dr. Cook mandates that they only discuss their experiences with one another. To the rest of us, it is a big mystery.
To be perfectly honest, I’m a weird mixture of excited and terrified. Terrified because I’m dreading being out in the cold for hours (it’s supposed to drop below 50 tonight and tomorrow night), and I’m worried that I’ll somehow be separated from my friends who will also be on the weekend. I’m saddened that I’m missing a second weekend in a row on campus, unable to socialize or work on homework. But I’m excited because everyone who has experienced Poverty Weekend practically leaps out of their chair with excitement when they find out I’m going. Because everyone has told me it will change my life.
So here's to a weekend of joy and doubts. Of prayer and trials. Of God.
Psalm 121:7-8 “The LORD will keep you from all harm - He will watch over your life. Yahweh will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

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