Monday, March 10, 2014

Oh hey, blog. How've you been?

Now that life has calmed down a little bit, I decided to start blogging again.

Ha! Not so.

I'm beginning to realize that the business of life only slows down if you make a conscious effort to slow yourself down. Since my last post, my life has changed dramatically. Last time we talked, I was a passionate senior college student put out about how my university handled changes on campus. I was single, living in small-town Cedarville, Ohio, and spent my time striving for a 4.0 mug and hanging out with my friends as much as I could before graduation. Since then, I've gotten married, lived in 3 states, have started (and quit) my first full-time job, and raised the most adorable puppy you'll ever meet. My priorities, emotions, and even last name have all changed, and my personality has probably changed a little bit too. I forget 90% of the stuff I learned in organic chemistry, but I can tell you plenty of things about health insurance, cooking, and laundry. Change is inevitable. But I'm still me.

God has taught me recently (and ironically) that He will never stop teaching me. Life is a constant flow of information and experiences rushing past. It is new every day, and much of what happens is completely outside our control. This is God's world; He has created us to exist within it. Over the past year, I careened from college student into adulthood at lightning speed. Not all the transitions went smoothly; I spent many hours anxious, depressed, angry, or worried. However, I am learning and relearning day by day that God is the Sustainer, Provider, and in all honesty, the One who makes life worth living. This isn't my most eloquent post to date (plus it's mostly me talking about me, which I try not to do), but the point is this: You can't do life well without Christ. It won't happen. Yes, you're busy. We're all busy. But slow down and make time for Christ. Take time daily to meditate on the Lord and what he desires for your life. I know I need to reprioritize a few things - how about you?